Catching up

Sorry I have been MIA lately. As most of you know, I re-took the GRE on October 8th then a few days later I had a midterm in my neuroscience class. Life was pretty crazy!!! I ended up increasing my score on the GRE by 90 points from a 1010 to an 1100. I was VERY happy with that and I'm thrilled that I don't have to take it again (except for the Psyc. GRE in a few weeks). I also ended up with an A- on my neuro midterm!

Over the past 2+ weeks I have really deviated from my normal schedule and it hasn't ended well haha...for example...

1. I bought desserts, plural. Cookies, ice cream, desserts at coffee name it, I ate it.

2. I ate fast food and drank soda. After I finished taking the GRE, I was dying of thirst and hunger. I  brought a water bottle full of water; however, those nifty BPA free aluminum containers get really hot! So needless to say, I needed water stat. The closest place to get something, besides a sketch gas station (they didn't have Sheetz or WaWa), was Wendy's. I hadn't had Wendy's in over a year...maybe year and a half. But the fries and diet coke were amazing.

3. I got pizza with MEAT. Need I say more?

4. I watched TV. I decided to use watching The Office as a reward for studying hard for the GRE. During a typical work/school week, I don't watch any of my shows (Glee, Modern Family, The Office, 90210) until the weekend. However, the week before I took the GRE, what does Netflix do? They put season 6 of The Office on instant play!

Thank goodness I am almost back to a normal schedule. I've decreased my caffeine intake and I'm going to the gym tomorrow. Ok, so what have I cooked lately? Well...not much. I pretty much lived off of almond butter and jelly sandwiches for the past 2 weeks...and spaghetti. Nothing too creative or extremely healthy. Sorry for the poor picture quality...I used my iPhone for these.

I finally wore this pair of lululemon socks that my Dad got for me this week. They are honestly the most comfortable socks I've ever worn. They are warm but also breathe well...a combination that I didn't know existed!

Mr. J's bagels  is one of my favorite breakfast joints in Harrisonburg. The morning of my neuro midterm I got a breakfast special...bacon and cheese on an asiago bagel...I probably had over 1000 calories in one sitting but it was well worth it.

During the week I also roasted squash and onions and put it over pasta. 

That's all for now...hopefully I'll be cooking something fun this week! :)


  1. I love this blog and now feel like I can remain updated on everything Mayberry inbetween our gmail chats! Congrats on your tests! I know how stressed you are, but you did amazing- glad you got to celebrate. I'm very jealous about Mr. J's... man do I miss that place! Hope you have a great week!

  2. Thanks! I'm really relieved about the tests...although I'll have a busy rest of the semester, at least it doesn't feel like I'm training for a marathon haha. And...the next time you're in town (hopefully soon!) we'll go to Mr. J's:)


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