It's Been A While
I cannot believe how long it's been since I've written a blog post here. There was a period of time after this blog (previously titled 'Textbooks and Cookbooks') that I had a thriving blog called "Simply Lindsey." In the fog and chaos of getting adjusted to motherhood with my first child, I simply deleted it one day in an attempt to regain some headspace and lessen the items on my to do list. Lately, I've missed having a space to write. Writing has always helped me work through things I'm going through (whew, motherhood) and it's also helped me to share fun recipes and encourage others. I'm thinking about creating another blog, but figured I'd use this space in the interim as I decide what that blog will be about.
I suppose a lot has happened since I last wrote here in 2014, and even then it wasn't much of an update! Here is a bit of a timeline of what's been going on in my neck of the woods lately:
2011: Finished graduate school, got a job, and moved to the DC area
2012: Met the love of my life, Stephen
2013: Got engaged to Stephen
2014: Married Stephen and moved to Charlotte, NC
2015: Found out we were expecting our first baby and bought our first house
2016: Had our first baby boy, Owen, and I became a SAHM
2018: Had our baby girl, Mackenzie!
There has been a LOT of change over the last 10ish years since I started this blog. There have been lots of highs and lots of lows and through it all I've been sustained by our ever loving Father.
I'll close this post with a few photos from our family photos we had done this fall. Mackenzie was almost 1 and Owen was almost 4! Until next time...
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